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Sectors we Cover

Whichever role you play in the design process, we’re confident we can bring added value to your client relationships by sourcing and supplying incredible surface solutions for a huge variety of applications.

Learn more about the sectors we cover below or contact us to discover how we can best support you with your latest design venture.

hospitality sector 8 - designer surface solutions
retail sector 8 - designer surface solutions
“Designer Surface Solutions integrity combined with a wonderful professionalism offers our Interior design company a library of innovative sustainable surface solutions which enhance our interior design projects within the hospitality, retail and luxury residential sectors. Every product has a story to tell making each product even more desirable. From uniquely exquisite mother of pearl furniture finishes to salvaged timber being redefined into stunning geometric panels we are continually able to expand our creative capabilities to deliver innovative interiors with this supportive company. “
Lindsey Churchill

Director, Form Creative

residential 2 - designer surface solutions

Residential Design

Whether you’re working on a luxury residential apartment, a development for an exclusive developer, full renovations or partial refurbishments, our surface solutions will be the ideal choice for any new or revamped residential setting.

Transform your clients’ home into stunning interiors with natural, sustainable materials, decorative surfaces and panels, themed pieces and bespoke creations.

residential 4 - designer surface solutions

Exterior Wall Panel

residential 3 - designer surface solutions

Aviation Chair

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Decorative Wall Panel

residential 5 - designer surface solutions

Parchment Wall Covering

Hospitality Design

Success for any hospitality brand relies heavily on the image it portrays to its customers and guests.

We can work with you to create the most stunning backdrops to your clients’ hospitality venues.

From reception areas to restaurants, boardrooms to bedrooms, our surfaces are guaranteed to create an impact wherever they are used.

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Wonderwall Panels

hospitality design 1 - designer surface solutions

Wooden Headboard

hospitality design 4 - designer surface solutions

Faux Stone Wall Panel

hospitality design 3 - designer surface solutions

Faux Stone Wall Panel

commercial design 1 - designer surface solutions

Commercial Design

Commercial design requires you to wear many hats.

One minute you could be revamping an office interior, and the next you could be styling up an industrial space, so you need to work with a supplier that can provide surfaces to fit any brief, in any specifications.

Whatever you’re working on, we’re confident our range of surfaces will meet all your needs.

commercial design 2 - designer surface solutions

3D Wall Panel

commercial design 4 - designer surface solutions

Printed Hygienic Panel

commercial design 3 - designer surface solutions

Faux Marble Doors

commercial design 5 - designer surface solutions

Faux Stone Panel

Retail Design

The retail market is vast, with thousands of businesses fighting for the same customer share.

As a designer, architect or contractor, your role is to help your retail clients stand out from the crowd – and thanks to their beauty, their durability and their eco-friendly credentials, our surfaces can do much of the hard work for you.

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Wooden Wall Panels

retail design 3 - designer surface solutions

Wooden Wall Panels

retail design 5 - designer surface solutions

Marble Effect Wall Coverings

retail design 4 - designer surface solutions

Wooden Wall Panels

wellness leisure design 3 - designer surface solutions

Wellness & Leisure Design

Once the preserve of functional, stark spaces, the wellness and leisure industry has undergone a design revolution.

Clients now expect luxury and practicality rolled into one – and this is where where we can help.

We work with manufacturers skilled at creating beautiful materials that will stand the test of time.

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Cork Panels

wellness leisure design 6 - designer surface solutions

Wooden Wall Panels

wellness leisure design 5 - designer surface solutions

Wooden Wall Panels

wellness leisure design 7 - designer surface solutions

Faux Marble Panels

Whatever You Need, We’re Here to Help

Contact us today to learn more about Designer Surface Solutions and discuss how we might be able to support your latest project.

If you think we’re the perfect fit for your next project, we’d love to hear from you.

You can order a sample, request a price list, or arrange an appointment. We’re happy to meet in person with social distancing measures in place and in line with government Covid-19 regulations – or, if you prefer, we can chat via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or WhatsApp.

It’s worth signing up to our mailing list to receive company updates about our developments. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for news and insights from the team.

Call or email Nick Gee

Tel Number: 07974 961018
Or fill out the form opposite and we’ll reply within 48 hours.

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