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If you’re an interior designer, architect or contractor we’d love to hear from you. We compliment short, medium and long term projects and specialise in the supply of material and product solutions with availability from existing stock or made to order.

If you need inspiration and haven’t yet had a chance to check out our surface library, click the highlighted link for an overview of all the surfaces available. However, if you’ve still not quite found the right fit for your project – then fill out the enquiry form at the bottom of the page to get tailored advice from a member of our team.

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Let’s Collaborate

If you think we’re the perfect fit for your next project, we’d love to hear from you.

You can order a sample, request a price list, or arrange an appointment. We’re happy to meet in person with social distancing measures in place and in line with government Covid-19 regulations – or, if you prefer, we can chat via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or WhatsApp.

It’s worth signing up to our mailing list to receive company updates about our developments. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for news and insights from the team.

Call or email Nick Gee

Tel Number: 07974 961018
Or fill out the form and we’ll reply within 48 hours.

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